Sunday, December 2, 2007

Online Trading

In most cases, as in the real world, trading stocks via the Internet using a broker will incur commission costs. Having said this, unlike trading through a broker in the real world, trading online usually incurs much smaller broker commission � and, indeed, in some cases, you can even manage free online trading. Free trading using a brokerThe world of online stock trading is now extremely competitive. Consequently there are a large number of businesses that advertise their online Internet brokerage capabilities, but there are still only a limited amount of customers. To try and entice your business away from other online brokers, some brokers now offer a period of free trading online if you subscribe to their service. Thus, one way you can cut out brokerage charges, and trade free of brokers� commissions, is to sign up for one of these services. Monthly tradesNot strictly speaking a �free� trading services, but if you think you are going to do a large amount of online trades in any one given month, you may want to consider signing up for a brokerage house that offers you �x� amount of trades per month in return for you paying a monthly subscription fee to the brokerage. This way, if you calculate your monthly trades carefully, you can make sure that you get a certain number of trades each month for free. However, you do need to be careful, because if you then only exercise a small number of trades in any one given month, the monthly commission fee structure could back-fire on you and you�ll end up paying a higher premium commission for your online trades. And finally�The world of online stock trading is growing rapidly every day. As such, very good benefit packages are available to new customers. You may find brokers� sites that do not offer commission free trades, but do offer free use of their stock trading software. Conversely, you may find brokers� sites that offer trial periods with no commission, but then charge for use of their stock trading software. What you then need to determine is which service will better meet your long-term needs. Finally, to find the best overall package to suit your needs, you need to do your homework and research the services being offered. In other words, you should not be picking the first brokerage service you see.

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